Untitled (Free South Africa #2), 1985
Untitled (from the Blueprint Drawings #6), 1990
Untitled, December 6, 1989
Pop Shop VI (2), 1989
Growing 2, 1988
Untitled (Plate 3), 1982
Untitled (with Sean Kalish), 1989
Pyramid (blue on yellow), 1989
Pop Shop IV Angel, 1989
Apocalypse (9), 1988
Untitled (Cup Man), 1989
Pop Shop II, 1988
Pop Shop IV Barking Dogs, 1989
Untitled (from the Blueprint Drawings #2), 1990
POP SHOP IV (1), 1989
Untitled (Man On A Dolphin), 1987
Untitled (from the Blueprint Drawings #1), 1990
Picasso's (Red) Tongue, 1985
Apocalypse (II), 1988
Best Buddies, 1990
Pyramid (blue on yellow), 1989
Apocalypse, 1988
Icons - Three Eyes, 1990
Fertility I, 1983
Fertility II, 1983
Subway Drawing (Pyramids), 1982
Subway Drawing, 1982